As part of our Gods and Mortals Topic Year 3 have enjoyed the story of Medusa and Perseus. Using a range of materials the children set about creating their own Medusa Head including snakes for hair and wide eyes.
3CD enjoyed their trip to Ingleborough Cave in North Yorkshire. It was a lovely day and we were able to have a picnic by the river before going into the cave. We had a guided tour of the cave and we were very interested in the different features.
3T had to work in teams of four and cooperate with each other when they undertook the paper chain challenge. Each group was given just one piece of A3 paper, scissors and some glue to see who could make the longest paper chain. Congratulations to Aleena, Joseph, Tasnime and Denny-Joe for making the longest paper chain. .
Year 3 and the Allstars enjoyed their visit to the Sea Life Centre to research predators for their new topic. They also wanted to find out the purpose of Sea Life Centres for the balanced argument they are going to write entitled 'Should animals be kept in captivity?'
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